I am having trouble deciding on the next fish to add. My tank is 65 gallons and I currently have snails, hermits, an emerald crab, sally lightfoot, a fire shrimp, a few zoo frags, a lawnmower blenny and a pair of ocellaris clowns. My original plan was to add 3 Filimented Flasher Wrasses (1 male + 2 females) next, but can't find them at any of the LFSs and I am nervous about ordering them online. I'd like to keep all of the fish on the smaller side so that I could put more in the tank. The one fish that I really want is a flame angel, but I know that the angel should be added last. I was thinking about a sixline wrasse as they seem to be readily available, but I read that they should be added as one of the last fish too. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.