Suggestions for new house

the mantis

I currently have a 300 gal reef tank now..Im moving into a new house and wanted to hear some opinions out there..Im gonna purchase a 12' wide tank..approx 500-600 gallons(viewed from both sides)...Im gonna use my 300 gal tank that i have now for my refugium in the basement...Before i purchase the tank any suggestions on overflows (im thinking they have to be on the sides?) and also having the refugium in the basement will that be a problem with getting the water back up???And also any reccomendations out there about purchasing a tank...Where? Tenecor? Different makes?----thanks for the suggestions....AL


Interesting. I was designing my next home with my tank(s) and experience in mind.
First I would design the tank so it sits somewhat in a well with a drain. this allows you to drain stuff right out the bottom of your stand, and if, god forbid, the tank gets a major leak it will go down the drain instead of flowing throughout the house... I have a little experience in that department. Caused about $15000 dollars in damage... Thank god for State Farm Insurance, I think my wife already had a divorce lawyer on retainer...
some of the other obivious things are electrical, and water under the cabinet.
My plan was for two 1000 gallon tanks framing the living room. I was going to have a seperate "pump" room to house another 1000 gallons for the refugium, frag tanks, filtration, skimming, etc. All my electrical would be controlled from the room, RO water, filtration, etc. The lighting was going to be encased from the ceiling to the top of the tanks. Air circulation would be drawn from the outdoors and vented outdoors, with temperture controlled fans. We do not have basements here so all the plumbing would be in the foundation. I also thought about adding in and outs, outside the house for another 200 gallon "pond" to house the saltwater plants....
The possibilites are endless when you start building with the tank in mind...
If it ever happens for you let's see some pics.

the mantis

Thanks for the reply...yes i will post pics of the progress...Im starting to build my house in March and trying to plan out everything for my tank...i know you always make mistakes and you always say i should have did it this im trying to get everything correct !!!! Thanks again....