Suggestions for one or two more fish


Currently I have a 55g reef set up and it has the following:
1 yellow tang
2 false clowns
1 lawnmower blenny
1 pajama cardinal
30 snails
15 hermit crabs
2 sally lightfoot crabs
3 peppermint shrimp
1 long tentacle anemone
1 zoanthid coral
I am looking to add one or two more fish. Any suggestions would be great.


Active Member
The tang eventually will need to go in a larger tank. They do best in 125G tanks or larger due to their swimming nature. They need at least 6 feet of swimming room.
Fish ideas :
Royal Gramma
Six Line Wrasse
Neon Gobies
NO Triggers or other tangs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crmaykish
2 false clowns
1 lawnmower blenny
1 pajama cardinal
30 snails
15 hermit crabs
2 sally lightfoot crabs
3 peppermint shrimp
1 long tentacle anemone
1 zoanthid coral
THis should probably be what you stick with for a long while