Suggestions for sump/skimmer


New Member
I have had a corner tank for about 10 years now, and we recently moved and I went from a FOWLR tank to a tank with a few zoa's and I am already looking for some more corals! I have thought for years about adding a refugium to this tank, but I just don't see how it is possible because of the tank shape. Underneath gets very narrow towards the back of the tank since it is a corner so putting a smaller tank under the display tank under won't work, also hanging one on the back won't work because of the wall.
Any suggestions for other types of filtration since I will be adding coral as well as fish to this tank?


Well-Known Member
THat is a difficult shape. You could put a refugium/sump in a remote location like the basement or in an adjacent room. Is that the dimensions of the space in the cabinet or the tank. If the cabinet is 15" tall could be an issue for a skimmer, they are pretty tall. For a sump any sturdy, food safe plastic container that you can fit in the stand will work, doesn't need to be an actual store bought sump. If you can divide it some how it could contain some macro algae and be a fuge.