Suggestions for what type of fish to add


New Member
I have a 70 gallon with 56 lbs LR in it. I currently have a goby and a Occ Clown. I have several peppermint shrimp, cleaner shrimp, coral banded shrimp, strawberry crab, 2 featherdusters, and a camelback shrimp. What would be good to add next? I want a peacefull, colorful, and fun to watch. Can anyone help with this?


Active Member
blackcap basslet, flame angel, jawfish (if u have a DSB) yellow wrasse, flame wrasse
like any of those?


New Member
I really like the Blennies, can one of them be put with the Pink/Blue Shrimpgoby that I have? Can I put any of the wrasses in there? I love the shrimp, I think I may want to add another shrimp as well.


Active Member

Red or purple firefish
B. cardinal
royal gramma
sixline wrasse
yellow sleeper or bicolor goby
dwarf angel