Suggestions needed for an IN WALL TANK


I put this post on the wrong thread. I think it should have been here. bare with me.
What can I put in this tank??

HI everyone. I am getting one of the following in wall tank and need some help and advice. I will only be putting in LR and maybe a Dory and Nemo fish (sorry, I have read alot of books on the subject, but not on the names of fish.
Anyway, do you think that I will need heavy duty filters since I am just getting a few fish? What would be the maximum fish you would put in this tank?
I would take any and all suggestions on this PLEASE!!! All of you know so much and I know I will do much better since I am asking in advance.
thanks to all!!
The 4ft wall aquarium package includes
Fish tank
Dimensions: 48" L x 6" W x 16" H
Material: 3/8" clear acrylic
Volume: 20 US gallons
Material: 1/4" clear acrylic
Removable side covers
Feeding hole
20" Strip-light
25 Watt fluorescent bulb included
Instructions and fish guide
The Wall aquarium package includes
Fish tank
Dimensions: 32"L x 4"W x 16"H
Material: 1/4" clear acrylic
Volume: 8 US gallons
Material: 1/8" clear acrylic
Removable side covers
16" Strip-light
25 Watt fluorescent bulb included
Instructions and fish guide


Active Member
Well you could not do a hippo tang (dory) in either of those tanks. He would need a tank in the range of at least 100 gallons to live and thrive.
In the 20, you may be able to do about 3 fish, and in the 8, you would be able to do one fish (maybe 2 if they were tiny).
You would need to have strong water flow no matter how many fish you did. I would also recommend you get live rock in either tank. This will help your tank thrive and keep your water parameters stable.
If it were me, I would just wait and get a much larger tank.


Active Member
The problem with picture frame tanks are they are so skinny. No room for a fish to turn around. They look big because of the front surface area but not good for any fish unless they are tiny ones. IMO getting one of those types of tanks is as just a peice of art for the wall is a selfesh thing and not conserned about the health of the critters. Just my thoughts. Most tiny fish are bottom dwellers and even they need alot of bottom to feel safe. Not many tiny ones that swim high in the water for your veiwing pleasure....sorry


Active Member
From my acrylic experience and 2 of my best friends actually own an acrylics business that does custom work the 1/4" material is way to thin and good builders wouldn't touch anything like that....That's an accident waiting to happen IMO....