Suggestions on fish?


So far ive got:
3'' Volitan lion
3-4'' humu humu trigger
4'' blonde naso tang
Ive got a 150gallon tank, around 120lbish of live rock
Just looking for some suggestions on to what fish i should look to add next, the only other fish that i can think of is porc puffer


hawkfish are pretty nice additions. they will follow you around the tank and stare at you. atleast mine does. but make sure it won't fit into the lions mouth.


Well i lost the lion this weekend, i think he just stopped eating. I tryed a bunch of different foods, both live and frozen and nothing, i wish i could have saved him, but it just wasnt possible.
So im just down to the Naso and the Humu-Humu
I was thinking of a porc puffer, and the fiance' wants a yellow tang or 2, as well as some clowns (are the clowns possible with the fish i already have?)


Get a trio of yellow tangs, i think they look better in threes. maybe add a foxface another trigger (niger?) A puffer would be fun. As suggested above an eel, and i always suggest this but the pork fish would be perfet! a pair!!!