suggestions on tank mates



Hey everyone,
I have a 125 FOWLR into it's 4th day of cycling and wanted some opinions on tankmates.
right now I have 3 fish that are Definitely going into the tank:
1. Hawaiian Dragon Eel [being held until cycle is over ]
2. Porcupine Puffer [ in my office tank awaiting cycle to end ]
3. Sohal Tang [ will be the last fish to go in the tank ]
Idea's for possible tank mates.......


Active Member
nice looking tank. i really like it a lot.
i don't know if i will be at any help but i am currently stocking my 150 FOWLR semi-aggressive system and these are the fish that i will be housing in it.
Fish that are already in the Tank
3 Green Chromis
1 Diamond Goby ( to clean the sand bed )
2 Percula Clownfish ( aquacultered )
Fish that are to be added
1 Leopard Wrasse
1 toby puffer- either a fiji orange tailed or a new species just found in Tonga- kinda looks like the valintini
1 female blue throat trigger
1 juvi emperor angel
1 sohal tang ( also, last fish to be added )
if there is room, i will decide to add a Blond Naso from the red sea.....that will go in before the sohal
5 hermit crabs ( as of now )
5 turbo snails ( as of now )
1 cleaner shrimp ( i dont expect it to last once i get my main show fish in)
i hope this list helped. picking your fish list can be a very stressful but incredible thing. just remember, dont be afraid to try new stuff.


Thanks for the info Eric, I would like to add a angel [Queen or Mejestic] and a lion fish into the mix.


Active Member
yeah i love the queen angels. i think they are gorgeous. BUT, my dad loves the emperor and he basically funded the entire tank so i could get into this hobby. so the emperor it is. pluss, the emperor looks crazy as a juvi. i just love it. the queen is way better as an adult tho

good luck on deciding what fish to add.


I already have a emperor juv in my 90 gallon [ starting to change ]. I want a different Angel for the 125 gallon


Active Member
When I was planning my 125g a lot of people told me an emporer(or any large angel) would be to big for that size tank. Just what I was told. Good luck with your tank. A hawiian dragon would be awsome. Good luck!