suggestions please (pic)


I just set up the rock work in my 10 gallon tank.... Here is a picture of it. I only put in 4 pounds, I might add some more, but I am not going to put in any coral really, just inverts, and 2 fish. Should I add some more rock work? And any suggestions on how I can switch up the rockwork so it would look better? There are 6 pieces or rock.


Active Member
IMO a good protein skimmer and enough live rock is the key to sucess. Optimally 1-2lbs/gallon is ideal for live rock. Even if you don't plan on corals a good amount of live rock is a good idea. If you had more pieces then 6 pieces of live rock, it would be easier to rearrange to it make it look awesome!


Alright thanks. Yeah tomorrow I am going back to the lfs to pick up some more rock. I will post another pick once I add it.


Tank looks cool! Try looking into Tonga branch live rock, they tend to come in pretty cool shapes. Look forward to seeing more pictures! - Qbnfreek, Los Angeles


Alright I just kind of threw these in here, I still will be changing it up, and probably adding more rock,I just wanted to see how this would look


Active Member
Getting better! Use the flat peices as 'shelves' to create tunnels for fish. The more rock the better--regardless of your planned stocking. Keep it up!!! :cheer:


Hey Hops, I like your rockwork.
How are you managing stability for the two pieces balancing on top of the others? I'd love to add a few more pieces to my own rockwork, but I'm concerned that it won't be stable enough; I have burrowers in my 10g.


Active Member
I am new at this, and am setting up a larger tank...but I THOUGHT I had read somewhere that rock could not be touching glass, is this true? Like i said, that is what I thought i had read somewhere so I don't know....just inquiring. Thanks...