Suggestions please- PowerHeads, Nitrate Tests and Hydrometers Oh MY


New Member
Hello, I've done a lot of research and am ready to setup my BioCube29 but needed some equipment recommendations. If you can suggest:
1. PH brand, models
(and whether I should get one or two) that would work well for my (29 G) tank.
2. Nitrate Test kits
. There are many brands available but I read many/(most?) give results that aren't all that accurate. Any suggestions as to which test kit is "proven" would be appreciated. And not to sound difficult, but how do you know when it renders accurate results? I assume compare the kit's results against a test run by my LFS.?
3. Hydrometers
. Like #2, I read there are many types of inaccurate hydrometers on the market. I was looking at some of the digital ones like the Digi Reef Temperature Salinity Specific Gravity Meter or the Digi-Lab TSS. Do these work? Can anyone tell me whether they've tried them? I'm a bit skeptical and afraid they might fall into the category of too good to be true.
Many Thanks.

scopus tang

Active Member
Don't use biocubes, so can't make suggestions on powerheads, and use a cheap nitrate test kit, so results are probably not all that accurate. As for the hydrometer, don't waste your money. Buy a refractometer. Much better investment IMO.


Active Member
i use 2 mj1200's and a koralia 2 in my 30 breeder and i don't have a tremendous amount of flow.
your tank is only 1 gallon that should give you some idea.
what will you keep as far as corals? will you keep sps or mostly softies/lps?
i agree with scopus...a refractometer is a much better choice than a swing arm hydrometer. you can get them for about 40 bucks...a small price for an accurate and constantly used device...especially in a 29 gallon tank.
i've seen LFS using all sorts of different kits. i don't know which is most accurate. i use api for nitrate. actually, i don't even test anymore, unless something looks funny..and knock on wood.....
meanwhile, salifert test kits come highly recommended.


Active Member
I agree with MrX and Scopus Tang on the refractometer. I just got one a few days ago and love it. I dont really kno much about nitrate test kits so I cant really help you with that. As for powerheads, 2 koralia 2s should be adiquite for your needs.


I use an API Reef Master test kit. Cost me about $30 and has everything I need. Nitrate, Nitrite, Calcium, Carbonate, and Phosphate. Very easy to use. I use a Coralife Deep Six Hydrometer. Short of getting a refractometer, this is the consensus "best hydrometer" at all my LFSs. Cost me $10 I think. I am researching powerheads myself, and I'm pretty stuck on Hydor Korelia. Can't give you a link, but just google em and you will find sites with reviews. They're very simply named, Hydor Korelia 1 being the smallest and Hydor Korelia 4 the biggest. Takes a lot of the confusion out of sorting through the ten thousand makes and models for me. Good luck! Great questions.