suggestions please


I have a 29gallon with 1gallong sump/fuge. 2x65 one blue one 50/50 lights, 9.6x flow. Now my system is not nearly ready to begin adding anemone or anything that needs a stable tank (haven't even added fish yet as i am not 100% sure its stable) I want to begin planning exactly how my final layout is going to be. My tank is going to be basically centered arouond 2 onyx percs. Can anyone offer suggestions as to corals or maby small anemone my lights and flow woud support. (i am thinking bta would be only realistic size wise but i dont know if lights would support it well) again wouldn't be going into my tank for some time but it will help to decide my final stock list to aim for.


Active Member
Well, considering how hard it is to find a match when it comes to hosting, I might find a pair of clowns already hosting a anemone and then make the call if you lighting will support it.


Awesome thanks. I have a hitchhiker condy that i didn't see till all the rock was in the tank. My sand and water are the same that was in the tank when i bought it. It went though a mini cycle and i was a bit worried about it, It pulled through like a trooper. He is going to go into my 55 when it finishes its cycle and is stable enough for him. Will my lights support it for the time being? It seems to be doing quite well it is eating bloodworms and flake out of my hand, its fully extended, and quite active.