

I just got a 30 gallon tank and I was wondering what fish can go together and what fish can live comfortabley in a 30g. I know i want one percula clown and a yellow watchman goby. What other types of fish can I look at and can I have more than one goby, will they get along. I also want a few shrimp and inverts with a coral or two. Any suggestions?


Active Member
Maybe a blenny and something else small but not too many more in a 30gal. The fish descriptions on this site are pretty good at giving that type of background info like min. tank size.
For shrimp, look at cleaner/skunk, peppermint, or fire shrimp.
Crabs, maybe a small emerald or sallylightfoot. Hermits too.
Good luck


Active Member
yeh, that a little heavy. Not really sure the angel will go in such a small tank, and not sure on the temperment of the purple chromis. the blue green are peaceful not sure on the purple.
you could go with
2 clowns, watchman, and either a purple firefish or a royal gramma.
2 clowns, watchman, 2 neon gobies, or a couple of clown gobies.