

New Member
Good Morning All,
I have a question for everyone. I have recently lost all my fish, thanks to Bang Guy it was discovered that my innocent looking Cuke went postal and did them all in. Thanks Bang Guy you saved me a ton of work. Anyway Im going to start reinhabiting my reef. What are your fish suggestions.
This is what I have now.
125 gal
appx 200 lbs of live Rock
bubble coral (pink and Green)
Yellow polyps
devils hand leather
candy cane coral
Acropora Nana
Pom-Pom Xenia
Blue Robusta
Blue Millepora
Orance Cap
Any way what fish would you all choose?


You know that you have to have some clowns and at least one tang. Also 2-3 cleaner shrimp for outbreak control. If I went on your tank would have the same fish as mine...:D


Personally, I would go for:
1 Kole Tang or 1 Purple Tang
pair of true percs,
couple of green chromis (3 or 4)
three cleaner chrimp.
Just me, but the chromis give you an active fish, the percs give you color and an active fish, and the tang, well...its a tang...have to have one!