Suicidal Fish

spider crab

I've had a few fish jump out of my tank over time, most recently a purple firefish. The tank is an 18 Gallon Via Aqua without a hood. It has a PC lighting setup that sits a couple of inches above the water on legs that attach to the rim of the tank. I have been reluctant to cover the tank top with anything for fear of effecting oxygen exchange and diluting the lighting.
If there anything I can use to cover a tank that still allows air exchange and wouldn't effect the lighting? I thought about somekind of netting, but was afraid the fish might get entangled in the net.
I seem to be drawn to fish that like to jump, so I need to figure out some way of containing them.

reef fool

Active Member
Try a small piece of egg crate.
Home Depot or Lowes carries it in both white and chrome. White is around $8 for a 2'x4' sheet. Chrome is maybe double that. Just cut it with a pair of wire cutters to fit.

spider crab

When you say around the sides, do you mean parallel to the tank walls of just covering the outer couple of inches water surface. I am sorry, but I am having a hard time picturing what you guys mean. I dont suppose anyone has a picture of this?

reef fool

Active Member
I don't think it blocks enough light to worry about. Maybe I'm wrong. Actually, the chrome egg crate may be better.?
I know the exact tank you are talking about. I am contemplating getting one for my son for his 11th birthday.
Here is a picture of egg crate. Just cut it to size and put it on top of your tank. LFS sometimes have pieces of this hanging around.


I also used egg crate. And I even went so far as to cover it with screen from a screen door. I've had far to many diamondback gobies jump out on me to continue to have them jump out on me!


How about 1/8" plexi drilled with 3/8" holes every couple if inches? I know it is a lot of work but It would let in light and air and keep fishys in


by your profile, your tank seems awesome!! Do you have any pics? I would love to take a look. Thanks.
Does having a nearly sealed top effect air exchange even with a bubble curtain and a hole cut out for the filter? Just curious, I had never heard of problems like that until now.

spider crab

Thanks for the picture, Reef Fool. I guess I didnt really know what you guys meant by Egg crate. From the picture it looks like a lattice with holes in it, but I couldnt tell for sure. Is it solid or are there air gaps in? It looks from the picture like it should allow light and plenty of air through it.
Anyways thanks for the help. I'll head off to home depot and try and pick some up.
By the way, I've been real happy with the via aqua. The 18 Gallon is a nice size and it comes with 72 Watts of power compact which gives a nice 4 watts/gallon of light. I suspect you could add another light to it and go to 8 if you wanted. I dont know if the 11 gallon would fit two of the PC fixtures that come with it.