Suicidal Sea Slug

What a really cool critter this is!
I Bought a 'Lettuce Leaf Nudibranch" from about a week ago.
The little fell has had a rough go of it from the get go. His bag split during shipment , so i first saw him crawling across a wet sheet of newspaper. No waty to acclimate him, so plop...into the tank.
Well, he survived. But now, every two days or so, I have to get him out of the refugium. He crawls into the overflow, and gets sucked down the drain. The first time I caught him he was headed into the sump.
How does one keep thiem in the display? Are all of them like this or do I have a peculiar one?
The wife wants to get a couple more, but I don't want to get something that I am just going to kill.


Active Member
you must have a supply of food for them to get more,also they are escape artist, always get through small spaces, try a nylon filterbag over small areas where they can escape
Well, I thought the point was moot. I hadn't seen him for tow days. Viola here he is in the fuge.
Thanks for the reply. I wasn't sure about the escaping. I had hoped that mine was exibiting abberant behaviors, and that some are happy where you place them.
Unfortunately, I believe that it is not if, but when, "noodle" will have an unpleasant encounter with an Impeller.
I do not believe that I will replace him when this unfortunate event occurs.
Do they get very large?