Suitable Llighting Question


New Member
My current setup is a 30 gallon glass tank with about 25 lbs of live rock and some mixed dead, but real, rock and a sand substrate. The tank has been set up for two and a half months and is equipped with ~5 gallon sump. There's no protein skimmer at the moment. I got a used Seaclone 100, discovered it's a piece of ----, and am now purchasing a Red Sea Berlin skimmer, which my LFS recommended (They use them for all their display tanks).
Water chemistry as follows
Temp: 77-79
NH4/NO2: 0
NO3: <20
pH ~8.2 +/- .1 (very stable with the hard water we have)
SG: 1.024-1.026 (using floating hydrometer, little hard to measure accurately)
Current Occupants:
Two Blue Reef Chromis
One Lunar Wrasse (very well behaved. Conflicting reports on how big they get)
One Flame Angel
Fire Shrimp
Possibly some blue hermits. I haven't seen them in a while
Two turbo snails.
I want to go with a reef setup, and intend to rework the sump filtration to be less gimped. My quesetion is about suitable lighting. I realize MH is the best, but for the most part the electricity consumption and raw cost of the fixture put them outside of my price range. I understand that Power Compact light fixtures are comperable and I'm wondering how much lighting is suitable for a decent variety of corals and perhaps an anenome or two (Torch coral, bubble coral, maybe a clam or two as I've heard they consume nitrates) and perhaps some macroalgae. Ideally I'd like to keep the price of the fixture below 150 dollars. The tank is 18 inches deep and 24 inches long.


As for your lighting you could find a 250 watt MH retro on the bay or in the classifieds for your price range, but they do put a nice ding in your electric bill! At 250 that would put you at about 8 watts per gallon and you should be able to keep anemones and clams. The croceas are one of the nicest but require the most light. I would stay away from PC's cause they cost just as much as a MH, you should get what you want the first time so you wont have to upgrade and spend more later! If you cant afford the MH go with VHO's there like $20 for a bulb.
As for you skimmer dont know anything about that brand. From what I have been reading ASM and EURO REEF skimmers are the most recommended but really expensive. I found a Dual BAK PAK on the bay for like $50, from what I read it was'nt really the greatest but I gave it a try and it works just fine for me.
Watch out for them angels they tend to pick on your corals too! about a 50/50 chance.
good luck!