Suitable Tank mates for lion fish


New Member
I have a 75 gal tank with a Snowflake Eel, Lionfish and a porcupine puffer. I would like to add 1 maybe 2 more fish to the tank but I want something that is compatible. Of the three that i have , they do not bother each other and I would like to keep that harmony. I am a big fan of trigger fish but I will not put them in the same tank as my lion fish. Please offer some suggestions on compatible fish. I am considering adding one of the fish listed below:
1. Black Angler
2. Emperor Angel
3. Panther Grouper
4. Foxface


I would worry about that puffer than a trigger fish. Those Panther Groupers are my favorite fish out there but they get too big. A yellow tang would work good. It will give a good color to your tank. I personally would get a Harlequin tusk.


Active Member
Black angler or foxface would be okay in a 75 for the time being. The angel and grouper would outgrow it extremely quick.


Anglers and Lions are predators of one another, the difference of who eats who is just dependant on which is bigger at the time.
If you are leery about adding a trigger you can look at the Blue throats, these are more predictable with lions. If you do not want a trigger look at a filefish they are cousins to the trigger.


an emporer angel would work fine if you got it as a a juvenile


Not trying to be a donkey, but nothing! due to the fact that the lion (unless its a dwarf) will rapidily outgrow your 75 and I think we should all take into consideration that if we overcrowd our tanks our fish become constricted and will not be as happy. Sorry just my opinion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by surfinusa
an emporer angel would work fine if you got it as a a juvenile
Definitely not.
Looking past the fact that it needs a much larger tank, it also needs a much cleaner tank. With an eel, puffer, lion, and angler in a 75, there is no way there would be the proper levels in the tank to maintain an angelfish as well. It's just not going to happen.


Active Member
Regardless of the fact of overcrowding your tank (as that seems to be a very common answer on here). Lets assume your gonna get something....
Angel - Too big and too delicate for those tankmates
Grouper - Gets HUGE quick (and I hear is not as cute when large)
Angler - Is real cool, but will eat EVERYTHING in the tank. Trust me I saw one eat a 9" lion
So of that list left I'd say a Foxface would be a great fish. Active, colorful, healthy eater, disease resistant and if you get the On-Spot max's at like 7-8".
My 2 cents anyway