Suitable tankmates?


Hello everyone
- 150gal Fish Only tank w/ LR - 12"Snowflake and 10"Volitan Lion are its only inhabitants currently. I am considering new fish to finish my tank, and am considering a few species of groupers or angels. I know triggers and Lions are traditionally a bad idea, does anyone have a Lion+trigger story with a specific species of trigger that includes a happy ending?
Tricky shopping
- Must buy something large enough that the lion wont swallow it whole, and must buy something that wont pick on the lion 24-7. Really appreciate your help, and PLEASE offer me some colorful fish that I may not have considered that you think would make a good candidate for my tank! =)
Strongly considering:
a Niger or Humu
Emperor Angel/Annucularis/Queen
(unsure which, but considering 1...and I know multiple angels cant be kept)
Blonde Naso tang
Blue Spotted Grouper
Looking to add 2 members of that list, and I appreciate any and all feedback =)


Active Member
A gouper may be ok but you'd have to get a really large one to make sure the lion wouldn't go after it.
For triggers, you could probably do a crosshatch or bluejaw. Wouldn't try a huma as I've had that combination end badly before. Make sure the trigger is large.
I think a large angel or large tang are probably the best idea. Most tangs and angels would do really well with that combination.


Active Member
huma would be a def no no .. in all the time i have ben in this hobby I have read many post on how wonderful the huma was in a community fowler then one day it just snapped all other tank member parish at his teeth.. as for the niger I had one housed with a lion for several yrs he was fairly well behaved for the most part but ... the day i purchased him he ate his way out of his bag right as i was acclimating him lol..he was tired of that bag lol.. the first thing he did was go after the lion .the lion quickly sucked him up but couldnt swallow him so spit him out .. the niger left him along most of the time after that however periodically he would aggravate the lion ..4 or 5 later the lion was 12 inches the niger was about 5-6 the trigger bugged the lion one too many times the lion stung the trigger real good lets just say the trigger lasted about a half hr paralyzed.. the trigger doesnt always win


Active Member
+1 huma is a bully.
likes to move rock around also.when i had mine he went missing for 3 or 4 days so i started moving the rock around and he was pinned under one.he was beat up but survived.that was so long ago i forget what ever happened to him.