Sump and flow questions.

Hey guys (and gals),
After my last post, I have decided to drastically decrease the size of my return pump.
My set-up:
20 gallon tall tank
10 gallon sump (NOT refuge)
3' head (for the return)
What would be a good return pump to use? (gph)
Whats a good turnover rate for the sump? (no fuge)
Also, based on those numbers, what would be a good powerhead (or 2?) to use to get my main tank good flow?
heres my sump:

With skimmer and heater in the middle.
Thanks for the advice. I've wasted so much money buying the wrong things, im really scared to buy anything else that would be a mistake.

matt b

Active Member
I would get a 300 gph overflow and a 300 gph pump. And two koralia #1s or one #1 and a #2. If its a reef then your gonna want alittle more flow though


Active Member
I think a pump rated for about 300gph after your head loss would be about right but you could go as high as 600gph if you design your return pump output right. I am using a DIY spray bar on my 55 gallon tank and I really like it if I need flow in a particular area I just drill another hole so that it sends water to where I need it most and I don't have one or two outputs in my tank that are sending 500gph to an area where I don't need it. If done right and depending on your rockwork you could eliminate the need for powerheads or at least reduce the amount needed.