Sump and NEW fuge in basement project


So after a mostly successful first year in the reefkeeping hobby, I thought I'd improve the system and move the 30 gallon sump and set up my new 20 gallon refugium in the basement.

Not being much of a plumber, please excuse the purple primer splattered on the flex-pvc. It's also a mess because I took the shot right after I finished setting it up. I was too excited.
After a week with this set up, I can honestly say this is the best thing I have ever done for the system. pH levels have stabilized and actually average out around 8.2 in a 24hr period. And my pod population now has a safe haven to repopulate. Nitrates have gone from 10 to 0 in that 1 week period as well. The temperature in the basement is cooler in the summer than upstairs and warmer in the winter than the upstairs so temperature fluctuations are now less of a concern.
. Also added an auto top off to the sump.
Questions/comments/criticism welcome.


I am currently working on this also. What size mag-drive is that? How high is your head with it?
I have a mag-drive 18 and I think my head is going to be over 10ft. I am alittle worried about flow.
My wife about crapped hear pants when I asked if I could drill a couple of holes in the floor.


I also am using a Mag 18. I have it going through 8 feet of 1.5" flex PVC. I was also worried about the flow. A couple of things I did to keep the flow going was to:
1) Use flex PVC to reduce the number of elbows (no quick turns)
2) Use 1.5" tubing. This one surprised me but after doing a lot of research, I've learned you get higher flow from using larger diameter tubing rather than sticking with the 3/4" or even 1" that the pumps male end offers you. Something about the friction.
Good luck with your project.
My wife also crapped herself when she saw me with the hole cutter. I must have forget to tell her what I was doing. I figure the less she knows about this hobby, the better. She already hates it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by andy51632
I am currently working on this also. What size mag-drive is that? How high is your head with it?
I have a mag-drive 18 and I think my head is going to be over 10ft. I am alittle worried about flow.
My wife about crapped hear pants when I asked if I could drill a couple of holes in the floor.

Nice work on the sump..
I know how you feel. We have all whiteoak hardwood floor in our new home, so the floor dirlling was out.
What I did was set up the main DT on a wall with the ******** basement stairs behind.. Went through the wall behind the tank and down the side of the staircase. Then the sump and refugium when under the staircase in the otherwise unused space. Worked great and no holes in the floor to be yelled at about from the "Boss"


Originally Posted by big
Went through the wall behind the tank and down the side...

That's what I did too. I cut out a panel in the wall large enough to give me access to the floor space within the wall. then I cut the holes in the floor there at a slight angle. Definitely saved the hardwoods and my marriage.


Active Member
I would add a few upgrade/addittions.
1- Your wall box, switch to GFCI just for saftey.
2- add your auto topp off since you have the room to really make a nice one.
3- an inline flow gage is always a nice feature to know absolutley what your pumps output is so when playing or swapping pumps there is no guesswork for what th etnak lieks best.
4- the auto top in working order will keep everything square and sharp for water levels and allow for a monitor/alarm to be instaled just to add peace of mind since everything is so far from earshot whn upstairs.
Nice job on the switch and its awesome to hear such good results even after such short of a time. Way to go. Best part of the hobby is the mad scientist lab to spread out and take over with odd ball equipment. Your special place that everyone else is afraid to go into for fear of he crazy contraptions. LOL
Nice work.


Active Member
ok, i'm curious now...
are mag pumps supposed to be outside the tank, or are they submersibles?


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
ok, i'm curious now...
are mag pumps supposed to be outside the tank, or are they submersibles?
either..mine is in tank


My Mag used to be in the sump, but because of overheating issues (especially when the lights were on) I designed this one to be external. They are a constant source of heat. That was not a good thing for my set up.
ReefForBrains, thanks for the tips!
I did already set up the top off system. I absolutely love it. I don't know why I spent a year of everyday running down to the basement for a gallon of RO/DI water to top off the sump upstairs. Now I just fill up the 40 gallon container every month and let the ATO system do it's job.
As for the GFI switch, I've had nothing but bad luck with them upstairs so I opted not to put them in the basement. Not the safest decision, but at least the don't spontaneously switch off.
An inflow guage sounds like a great idea. I've been curious about the flow. I'll look into it.