sump bubble diffuser?


Active Member
I started building my sump and decided to leave out the three planes of glass that were suppose to make the micro bubbles pop. I was assuming that micro bubbles are just little bubbles and since I never had a problem with little bubbles in my tank before, I left them out.
does anybody know exactly what they do? how important is it that I use one?
sorry for the noobish questions. first time building a sump haha
I'm pretty new to sumps, in fact I'm building my first one just now, but I have been doing a lot of reading on them. From what I can tell the baffles are supposed to remove the bubbles so that your return pump doesn't suck them up and shoot them into your main tank. Other than the fact that you probably don't want your return pump to suck in too much air I think the only other issue is the aesthetics of seeing lots of bubbles in your main tank. I'm sure the more experienced guys with chime in with more info though.