Sump Design


New Member
Thanks for the couple replys to my last post. I got the sump/fuge running pretty good but after only two days the $#@% thing cracked down the middle. I think one of the baffles was a little snug against the glass and once water was in there is put too much pressure. I siliconed it so it doesn't leak much but now I have to build another.
My question is would this design work better? The sump tank is only a 10 G and the return section is pretty small. I have read that this is where you will get water loss from evap. What if I eliminate the last section? I would put some eggcrate between the fuge area and return. Would this work?



New Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
Where are you going to put your protein skimmer
It's a HOB skimmer that I previously had on the DT. It works pretty good. Any thoughts on my question?


The only think I can think of is the baffle before the return pump is kept up higher than the water level in the return pump section for gas exchange when the water runs down the face of the last baffle.


make sure that the baffles aren't too high. Maintain a safe water level in case of a power outage, that way it doesn't overflow. I'm just guessing here, but you'll probably have about 3-5 gallons of back/overflow in a power outtage. Right now I've got a 50 gallon with a 10 gallon sump and the water is about 1/2 way up. Maybe just a little bit higher, during a power outage it fills up about 2 inches from the top. Just my opinion, and I hope this helps.
This thread should be in the DIY/equipment forum.