Sump Equip Questions


I think I have finally decided on doing the sump after I move in less than a month. I will have a 55 gallon tank with a DSB, LR, and Fish for now. The sump will be made from a 30 gallon tank. In the sump I will have my skimmer and wet/dry filter at least for a while. I was just wondering what kind of overflows you all suggested as well as a return pump? Is there anything else I need? Thanks for all the help.
LemonShark thanks for the designs.


Thanks for the suggestions. Any idea where I can get these. One place I found had the CPR Overflow 600gph for $89 (do I need 600gph or would 300 work?), and the Mag 7 Pump for $60. Are these reasonable prices?

richard rendos

Active Member
Those are good prices IMO. That combo would work well on your size tank.
edit - If you get the CPR overflow, get the RIO pump to go along with it to suck air bubbles out of the overflow to keep the siphon going.
Amiracle, LifeReef and other U-Tube overflows work well also.


Life reef costs a bit more but you will not regret the extra expense as they work perfectly and do not need any power head. As for the CPR way too many people complain about them and why buy a product that the manufacture sells knowing that it needs a modification to work correctly. I would rather buy something that works correctly right out of the box.
Mag 7 or 9 would be a good return pump depending on the head pressure for the return. I use a mag 9 on my return for my 50g reef. Had a mag 7 on it before with no problem but just wanted a little more output on my spray bar.


Richard- What do you mean get an extra pump for the bubbles?
Hondo- Is that the modification you were talking about?


yes the CPR overflow has a design flaw that allows bubbles to build up and when they build up enough the syphon breaks and you get a wet floor. You attach a power head to the CPR which pulls out the bubbles and keeps this from happening.
Go with a Life Reef overflow you will not ever regret it.


yes that's the one. I have had mine for two years now and even with several power outages it always re-starts and has never lost syphon. I have used both a mag 7 and a mag 9 for the return and both worked well for me with about 4' of head pressure on the return. I prefer the mag 9 though for the extra flow.
I recently did a stockman standpipe for mine to make it whisper quiet. I've attached a phot of the modification. It wasn't rteally necessary I just had too much time on my hands and wanted to make one.


I would highly recommend staying away from CPR overflows, mine constantly lost siphon even with a powerhead connected. I've had two and have now replaced them with lifereef and haven't had any siphon problems. I would never use any other type of external overflow. If you insist on going with CPR, I have a couple I could sell you. HTH


Thanks for all the help. I think I am going to go with a Life Reef. Am I reading about it correctly when it says it acts also as a filter? Does this mean I don't need my wet/dry filter in the sump? If so I won't even need to partition the sump right?
Thanks again for all the help.


It's not a filter but it has a prefilter (foam pad to collect large protein particles) on it. You will still need what ever filter system you are currently using.