Sump Fish

reef fool

Active Member
I would like to put a fish in my sump that I would otherwise not be able to keep in my display.
Now before someone jumps on me for mistreating a fish by putting him in my sump, my sump is a 75 gal acrylic aquarium with LR and about 60 gallons of water at all times. I also light it for a few hours a day. I personally don't see it as bad. Actually I spend as much time in the sump room staring at the fuge and sump as I do watching the display!
OK, with that said, jump on me if it is a bad idea.
If not a bad idea, then any suggestions on a fish?


Active Member
Provided you can seal it up well I think an eel would be great in a sump. You have plenty of places for it to hide, won't deplete your pods or mess with your macros.
Just a thought!

reef fool

Active Member
My sump is not my main pod/macro source. I have a 50 gal fuge for that.
I only have one problem with an eel. My wife is deathly afraid of snakes and eels. I would have to keep smelling salts next to the sump! LOL She actually get freaked out by Oppossums just because of their tails looking like a snake!
I would love to add an eel!


Active Member
My wife was kinda freaked when we got our SFE. Now with that, a zebra, some unknown "mystery moray" and a wolf eel she's come to love them.
But, keeping the wife into the hobby is defintely a big plus so I get what you're saying.
I still think having something in a sump is a cool idea.
Let us know what you come up!


reef fool I have a Question...
I am also using ETSS Evolution 500.. I used with rio 3100
but didnt work too good.. so I changed to
Iwaki 30 RLT.. they said it is best pump for that skimmer..
I still dont get dry Foam that I want.. they told me I didnt
tune right,..
how high do you set your water level??? and where did you
place your skimmer?? how about air valve?? can you tell
me little bit about your skimmer? how is it working?

reef fool

Active Member

Originally posted by Grouperhead
Undulated triggerfish....Bo

I was actually thinking trigger, but wasn't sure if it was a good choice. I especially don't want him chewing on my chiller probe!! May be the direction I am heading though.


New Member
The only trigger that would work in a tak that usually only has about 60 g of water would be a Bursa, Undualates get to big for that size tank!


New Member
But I thught the whole that most of embraced is to plan for the adult size of any fish we purchase so as to not be left with a gargantuan fish in quarters with don't give it the adequate room needed. This in turn leads to stress, disease, and behavior probems! Triggers, especially Undluates, Queens, and Titans already seem to have serious issues, except for the rare "mellow" specimen, and keeping them in cramped quarters would only add to the problem. Your right though it would be alright for a while,but why buy a fish that wouldn't be able t live out its life in 60 or even the whole 75 gallons of water?

reef fool

Active Member
On the trigger thoughts, how about a very small clown trigger or Humu Humu? A LFS in my area has real small ones. I have always liked both, but I don't know much about them, because I like my shrimp in my display too much, I have not learned anything about them.


I agree its a good idea to set up a tank capable of housing the adult size of the fish planned to be added to the tank. I dont beleive this always has to be followed though. I have cut a deal with the owner of my LFS. When i bring in fish that outgrows my tank, he sells them and then gives me a part of the $. A person could talk to their LFS and see if they will agree to take a fish if it gets too large. Queens and Titans will very need large tanks because they get extremely large. Undulates do not get near the adult size of Queens and Titans, so a smaller tank will do.

reef fool

Active Member

Originally posted by luckyk0505
reef fool I have a Question...
I am also using ETSS Evolution 500.. I used with rio 3100
but didnt work too good.. so I changed to
Iwaki 30 RLT.. they said it is best pump for that skimmer..
I still dont get dry Foam that I want.. they told me I didnt
tune right,..
how high do you set your water level??? and where did you
place your skimmer?? how about air valve?? can you tell
me little bit about your skimmer? how is it working?

Sorry Lucky, I missed this.
As listed in my sig, I have a Sen 900 hooked up to mine(more gph than recommended). As advised by my LFS, I adjusted it so that the bubbles were just under the bottom of the upper chamber. As it makes foam, it goes through the holes and into the colection cup. I also have a collection chamber for it, instead of it filling the cup. Seems to work fine for me. Rio's are junk to begin with, but that Iwaki should do fine for you. Let me know if you have any other specific questions that I haven't answered. E-Mail me if you wish

reef fool

Active Member
I finally made the decision of a 3 1/2" Picasso Trigger. He is eating well and very entertaining. He has been trying to catch the 2 monkey shrimp in my sump that I couldn't catch.