Sump Flow Questions.


Hey Guys

I am currently starting my first FOWLR tank, and need some help regaurding my sump. First off, I have a 55 gal tank with a 29 gallon sump that has three compartments, and a coralife skimmer rated at 65 gallons.
My overflow has a 1" tube flowing into my sump, which is about 4' under my tank. I was wondering what I should do for my return, so that this all works out good
. I need to know what pump I should buy. I also need to know how to redirect the flow from the pump back into the sump so that the pump doesn't return to the tank faster than it can overflow. Please put everything in lamense terms also, as I know nothing about plumbing. This may sound dumb, but everyone has got to start somewhere, and at least I got you guys to help me
Any input or experience would be appreciated, and thanks in advance