Sump flows?


After looking at broomers put together, I am starting the works on a new refugium with my wet dry sitting next to it under a 75 gal. What is the suggested flows for a set up like the one broomer has on his page.
I am running a return pump out of my wet dry sump about 1900 liters per hour, could I use that full flow through a refugium?

mr . salty

Active Member
For a refugium to perform denitrafication the flow rate must be as slow as possible to allow maximum contact time with the algae,sand and rock...Usually less than 100 GPH is needed.Less if possible.I run mine at around 50gph now...


Keep the flow rate as slow as you can, makes the refugium more effective. I use a rio 180 and cut it back a little on my refugium, it has worked well for me. Good Luck


Active Member
The gph through an algae planted refugium should be low - how low greatly depends on the size of the refugium itself.
Mine's an 18 gallon container.
Naturally - Some folks refugiums are bigger or smaller.
100 gph through a 2 gallon refugium is not the same as 100 gph through Bang Guy's monster fuge - so it's somewhat relative to the size of the vessel. Of course these are low and high extremes. You want low "velocity" or speed of water for the reasons that Mr.Salty mentioned - contact time - and not so fast that is blows all your macro's around.
I think what works best is what works best for your tank and your refugium.
One odd thing I did notice is that on higher flowrates through my refugium - that cynobacteria began to grow wild.
This goes against everything I've ever read or heard regarding cynobacteria growth doing well in stagnent dead spots. It actually grew more rapidly and covered the walls of the fuge when I had a higher water flow. Weird - may be connected with dissolved gasses or available CO2 or oxygen - not sure still.
Or there was something that I was not aware of, nor measured - that led to the increased growth in cyno - and I have mistakenly made a "connection" or cause & effect linked between the two. A couple of members here gave me some good advise on making assumptions like this before.
I'm sure they know who they are ;)


Active Member
Kinda jumping in here (pun intended;) . I've read that low flow rates are best and that makes sense. I've followed that practice, but, I notice that my lifereef overflow needs re-priming about once a week as the flow is not keeping air bubbles out.
Broomer I think you use lifereef as well. Any thoughts on how to reduce/minimize my problem?
BTW, I'm using a maxi-jet 1200 at 4 ft head through 1" pvc. If that sheds any light. Figure I'm getting around 50gph and the refugium is a 10 gallon tank.