Sump for 125 gallon


New Member
Ok, someone give me a good setup for a 125. My grandfather is paying for the filtration, so i do not need to make any of it myself. So, id like a list of some normal run of the mill, protein skimmer, sump, filter media, heater, and so forth for my tank. Also a good run down of how it'll all work because sumps, and wet/dry, and refugium are all a foriegn language to me.


Active Member
I am somewhat handicapped as I am long winded and don't have a way to answer this without writing a 20 page essay. You're asking for an awful lot of information. Given what you've explained, you are fairly new to the hobby. Congrats, as it's a lot of fun. I'd suggest your best course of action is a solid book geared towards beginners. Try "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" written by Bob Fenner (it may be Robert on the cover, don't remember).
That book has a couple of chapters devoted to all that stuff. I normally don't like blowing people off to go get books rather than answer their questions, but I really think that'll be the easiest way to get all the questions you have (and will have) answered. If you are just starting out, there's an enormous amount of stuff to know. Please don't get discouraged, it's certainly not difficult, you just need to pay attention to details. It'll be far easier to have a good stock of information at your fingertips than to keep having to come back to this forum to piece together information, plus it will help you get a grasp on everything
you need up front. When you do have questions, the members on this forum'll help you out.


New Member
This is my first marine tank, but ive kept fish for years. Only they've been freshwater but right now i have a 125 Lake Malawi African cichlid tank with breeding mbuna and a 95 with a Midas cichlid. Im just now stepping into the arena of Saltwater Aquariums, but i will look the book up nevertheless. Could i just use a couple of emporer 400s? Or maybe 3?