Sump/Fuge Advice


New Member
I've got a 29g tank to which I'm adding a 20g sump/fuge (my Xmas from the wife).
I've got most of if figured out, but I do have a few ?'s:
I figure that after partitioning the tank, I'll have about 12-15g of water over an LS substrate. What would be some recomended plantlife or macro's? And what's the opinion on Mangroves?
I'm really paranoid about the return pump. I do a lot of DIY and have burned up quite a few powerheads and other pumps by stalling them or not being around to restart them after a power failure. Any recomendations there?
Which reminds me, what would be a good flowrate for the system?
Any info or opinions will be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
As far as types of macro, razor, grape, really any type of caluerpa I have had good luck with. Best way to get some is to find a local reefer who has a fuge and get some of theirs.
As far as a return pump. I just got a Mag drive pump for my new tank and I really like it. They have really good track records and are more reliable than a powerhead.


New Member
Thanks for the info. I found a nifty chart for Mag Drive flow rates versus pumping height - just what I needed.
Any idea what a good flow rate would be?