sump/fuge for 125


Hi, I need help for making a sump and fuge for my 125 im going too get. First off, would it be cheaper going with Wet/Dry filter or ump/fuge? But if its cheaper for sump/fuge, i have a extra 25, 20 gallon, and 10 gallon. Could anyone make some Ms Paint masterpieces for me:D ?Also, tell me how much it would cost(if i need bigger tanks for sump, i could run down too petsmart and buy some).


what kind of livestock are you planning on keeping in the 125? if you are going to go aggressive or large, then you will most likely want to use a protein skimmer, instead of relying simply on the ammonia and nitrate reduction abilities of the refugium.
If you are going to go community, there are several people who have been able to maintain tanks without a skimmer. Personally for your size tank, I would probably want to use a skimmer, but there are other people who will probably steer you the other way.
For reef, I wouldn't consider running skimmerless on a tank that size, purely because of the need for really high water quality, especially when you get to hand feedings of several types of food to several different inhabitants.
Let us know what kind of stuff you want to keep, and wether you plan to go with a skimmer or not, and we can help you a little more.
On a side note, if you dont plan on displaying your fuge, that is, you have it all in a stand, then the broomer rubbermaid tub sump and fuge setup will give you the most bang for your buck, allowing you to spend more on pumps, skimmer, and lights.


The 125 is going too have my Huma Huma, Niger Trigger, PB tang, occelated eel, and Scribbled Foxface. Possible one more. The 25, and 20 gallon, have stands. So i could display them. But I just want the most affordable way of doing it. I was thinking about a skimmer but i just want teh cheapest, and reliable way.


for the cheapest way to go with those fish (messy polluters) i would definately go with broomer's design. look for a post of his and go visit his site. it has everything broken down for you as far as what you need for the project.
by not trying to use the other tanks you have, you will be able to go cheap and put it under the stand. this will let you get a good high volume skimmer to keep the water nice and clean. this will work great in conjunction with the fuge. I would save the tanks that have stands to use as species specific tanks for things that do not do well with your other stuff. if you chose to use the other tanks, if they are glass you would either need to pay someone to drill holes for you, or you would need to buy a bit yourself. the cost of that alone will buy a good portion of the items needed to do the rubermaid system. this would also let you go bigger on pump and fuge, something i recommend for a tank that big with predatory fishes.