Sump & Fuge For New Setup


I'm starting over and stil doring research....
Question about Fuge's in general:
If one of the purposes of a Fuge is to help in filtration, 'trates, etc, and you can put a DSB and LR in it, does it eliminate the need for the full amount of LR in the display tank?
I guess what I'm saying is that do you need 1-1.5 lbs of LR in display if you have a fuge? Maybe need less?
Would having 4-5" of LS as substrate not be neccessary?
I guess I'm just confused b/c it sounds like a fuge is doing some of the work LR and LS is supposed to do.
Is this ok?


I'm not going to say you "need" anything. Just from browsing you're notice that theres a multitude of methods for saltwater that board members here are using.
Does it eliminate the need for full amount of LR in the display tank? -well, if you're using live rock and sand for your biological filtration, yes and no. You're "suggested" to still have that much live rock, its just now you can put some of it in your fuge. Which is great for growing pods.
I won't give any guidelines on how much live sand to have. I personally have about 3" on top of a plenum. Do a search for "DSB Revolt" it will give you some heated pro's and con's.