sump/fuge question


i know i am going to ugrade to at least a 90 gallon probally more like a 120 or 150g. i have a 46 gallon and i am gonna order an aquaC remora protein skimmer but my question is i need the skimmer now for my 46 but knowing i am gonna get a bigger tank should i just spend the money and get the aquaC remora pro or will the regular remora be fine?
thanks for the input


Id get the biggest and best skimmer you can afford. That way you can use it for a bigger tank when the time comes. If you dont cheap out now, you will save in the long run.


Originally Posted by JasenHicks
Id get the biggest and best skimmer you can afford. That way you can use it for a bigger tank when the time comes. If you dont cheap out now, you will save in the long run.
I agree, IMO you can't overskim, so go with a larger one now.