Thank you fellow swf keepers.
I got everything worked out. I'm using the overflow box with two U-tubes, going into the sump. I still have the sterilizer connecting en route to the sump box. I've also connected my fluval into the story, it's taking water from the main tank filtering then dumping onto bio balls into sump. I got a new pump, 3000 liter/ hr. and now i got tons of flow in the tank, the extra water intake from the fluval to the sump has helped lots too. Finally. I drilled some holes in the last baffle in my sump to allow exchange of water from the 2nd section (where the pumps are) and 3rd section ( where the return pump is supposed to go) to create a fuge. Right now all i've got in there is live rock, and this green, stringey, sponging stuff i got from LFS. i want my pod production to explode! ANy suggestions? the size of the chamber I'm attemping to use as a fuge is 8"x5" and the water level is about 7".
Thanks for your help.