Sump Help!!!


Thanks for viewing...anyway, I need some help. I set up my sump today and I am afraid that the overflow and the return pump are not insync. I rigged it up so that if the overflow fails then the sump won't overflow and vice versa. So every time I start it up, the overflow pumps everything into the sump and stops working, then the return pump pumps everything into the main tank and stops working. So it seems that the return pump can't keep up. How can I resolve this?


I'm a little confused, how did you "rig it up so that if the overflow fails then the sump won't overflow and vice versa"?
"the overflow pumps everything into the sump and stops working" You aren't using an actual pump to move water from your tank to the sump are you?


I set it up so that if the return pump fails and the water level in the sump gets too high, the overflow will stop working. I set it up so that if the overflow fails and the water level in the main tank gets too high, the sump pump will stop working. Every time I tried, the overflow would suck up a bunch of water and stop working, then the sump pump would fill up the main tank and then start sucking air. I did however find out that I set the overflow up incorrectly. So I am about the fix it and see if the problem is eliminated. I hope that cleared everything up