sump help


i am going to attempt my first sump. i am not much of a diyer so i am a little intimidated by the whole thing but still going to give it a shot. couple of questions:
1. can you make the baffles out of plexi glass or do you have to use acrylic?
2. what is the best thing to use to "glue" in the baffles?

justin podolan

yes you can use plexi glass.
just get some aquarium safe silicone i just made one last weekend they sell the silicone at lowes . 55 gal. sump for a 180 gal. tank..
hope that helps


Active Member
If you are glueing plexiglass panels in a glass tank silcone is your best option just be sure to build a large bead on each side of the baffle. Silicone doesn't adhere to plexi very well so you need to apply a large bead on each side of the baffle to create a channel of sorts for the baffle to sit in otherwise the baffle will come loose. Also be sure and use at least 1/4" acrylic or plexi, anything thinner will flex too much.