sump is running

u mike

I finished my sump but something seems to be wrong.I will show the pics of my fun day. what seems wrong is after I got the sump running all corals have shrunk.



Active Member
you added more water volume to the tank. Was it mixed to match the existing water in the system? how about the temp? did you pre-heat it?

u mike

when I added to the water volume it was done the same way i would do a water change, yes i pre heated the water.
Originally Posted by King_Neptune
you added more water volume to the tank. Was it mixed to match the existing water in the system? how about the temp? did you pre-heat it?


Active Member
Did you have a heater going inside the cans while you were doing the work?
The only other things I can think of is the silicone used to make the sump or, the fact that the sand bed has been really disturbed.

u mike

I just want to update my sump, I am in the process of taking it apart. I had someone from the lfs check it out for me it was built right!!. the major problem was the type of SILICONE that I used it was not safe for fish , that was the reason for all my corals shrinking. Does anyone know whet I could use to get the silicone resude off with.
Originally Posted by Posiden
Did you have a heater going inside the cans while you were doing the work?
The only other things I can think of is the silicone used to make the sump or, the fact that the sand bed has been really disturbed.


Well-Known Member
What type of silicone did you use?
Just keep working it off with a razor blade and rubbing alcohol till you get every little bit of it out.

u mike

I used a product from G E no where did it say it was not safe. When the lfs looked at my sump I showed him what I used ,then we called they said it was not safe.
Originally Posted by 2Quills
What type of silicone did you use?
Just keep working it off with a razor blade and rubbing alcohol till you get every little bit of it out.


Originally Posted by u mike
I used a product from G E no where did it say it was not safe. When the lfs looked at my sump I showed him what I used ,then we called they said it was not safe.
Mike...I'm sorry for your set back.....hopefully you caught this quick enough, and the corals will bounce back

u mike

when i started the sump last week I said to Mary something is wrong, luky for us it was only running about 10 / 15 mins.
also did a 20 gal water change on Mon.
Originally Posted by meowzer
Mike...I'm sorry for your set back.....hopefully you caught this quick enough, and the corals will bounce back


Well-Known Member
Yep, hopefully they will come back. I think they will.
Alot of those silicones have a fungicide in them to help prevent mold and mildew...I beleive that's what's not safe about them. Infact, even alot of the 100% silicones that I've seen people using on other threads...if you look closely enough at the fine print they'll say not for continuous use below the waterline.
I recently re-sealed my aquarium and all I used was a razor blade to scrape it off. Then went around and used rubbing aclohol on the residual silicone and scraped it some more. The alcohol does wonders for helping to take it all off.
This is the stuff that I used...the stuff on the left (clear) I got at Home Depot and was about $4 a tube. The stuff on the right (black) I got at *****'s the same stuff but cost about $9 a tube. For your sump it would probably take just over 2 tubes to redo the baffles. I'd get 3 to be safe.

u mike

thanks, I went to lfs got what they sell got all large silicone off just need to wipe off the rasuide. i will let you know how things go.
Originally Posted by 2Quills
Yep, hopefully they will come back. I think they will.
Alot of those silicones have a fungicide in them to help prevent mold and mildew...I beleive that's what's not safe about them. Infact, even alot of the 100% silicones that I've seen people using on other threads...if you look closely enough at the fine print they'll say not for continuous use below the waterline.
I recently re-sealed my aquarium and all I used was a razor blade to scrape it off. Then went around and used rubbing aclohol on the residual silicone and scraped it some more. The alcohol does wonders for helping to take it all off.
This is the stuff that I used...the stuff on the left (clear) I got at Home Depot and was about $4 a tube. The stuff on the right (black) I got at *****'s the same stuff but cost about $9 a tube. For your sump it would probably take just over 2 tubes to redo the baffles. I'd get 3 to be safe.