Sump & New Fish


The sump is up and running! No rock or sand yet but I will soon, have the rock picked out. It's a tad noisy but hopefully we'll get used to it, the overflow gurgles in the main room. *ahem* Yes we used a Disney Princess tablecloth to protect the drywall from drips.

This is Sleeping Beauty along with Cinderella V2.0, Snow White V2.0 and Belle. Hopefully in a group of 4 they will stay alive longer. I also think I'm going to do some night vision recording on the tank to see if something is somehow killing them.

This is my CandyCane Coral frag... hasn't opened and not sure it's alive, we'll see.

I also replaced the orange Zoo's with this small frag, they haven't opened up yet either.

Tank shot with the overflow and Directional U-Tube instead of the filter and heater.

My waterflow is now x22, yay!


Why all them towels around your sump? I have 3 tanks and no sump have always be afraid of the tank draining or the sump overflowing the tank. I could see using a sealed over flow drilled with a pipe so only the top gal could flow down to the sump. and then the water could not build up and flood the house but my tanks are the class you can not drill so I will forgo the sump and just do the hang on the back really with the back painted blue you don't see anything but the pick up tube anyway.


I just hadn't moved the towels from our "power outage test". All went well! The tank only drained about an inch and the sump didn't overflow. Power came back on and everything started up again.