I'm wondering if I should go ahead and setup and do all the plumbing and rigging for my sump now when I am initially setting up the tank (when I may not be able to afford it right now) or can I do it later once the tank has cycled and I only have ls and lv? I'm gonna have to use a HOB overflow so I'm looking around for a good one. If it would be best to do it now, as to benefit the bacterial spread(?) or water volume, then maybe I can go ahead and do it. Either way, I will probably go ahead and buy whatever kind of tank/container that I plan to use for the sump and put it down into the stand before I put the 75g glass tank on top. I'm not sure I can fit it through the front or back, definately not the back after the tank is full since it will be against a wall. Any advice appreciated as always