Sump or Refugium?


Refugium or Sump?
Don't know if I want to build a refugium or a sump. Am still a bit confused. The way I see it is that a refugium is basically a sump that has dsb, lr, and macroalgae. A sump is only extra storage for water and a place to attach extra filters and protein skimmers. Now my problem with my main tank is that I have lots of hair algae growing. Can't seem to get rid of it. NH4, NO2, NO3, PO4 all zero or very close. I am leaning to a refugium but want to know a couple of things.
1. Am I on track about the refugium/sump difference?
2. I have a 55 gallon tank, how big should the refugium be? I am hoping that 10-15 gallons should be okay as that is all the room i have.
3. What kind of lights do i need for macroalgae (calerpa).
4. How much sand and liverock do i need.
5. Do I need an aquarium or will any bucket, rubbermaid kind of container do? Or do most people have theres showing?
6. Any good web sites that explain how to make one.
7. Anything that I am missing.
8. Would it totally defeat the purpose of having a refugium if I add some small livestock. Maybe a seahorse or something in with the calerpa and dsb. I will put it somewhere visible so a seahorse will make it somewhat nicer.


Ad 1). You're right on track with your understanding. Though a refugium primary (o may be better, it's original) purpose is to have certain critters (pods) a safe haven to breed. Think about Mandarins that will mainly eat pods. The refugium will serve as a place where these pods can mulitply w/o being eaten. Nevertheless, my "refugium" solely serves as a macroalgae pool.
Ad 2) As big as possible. If you only have space for 15 gl. That's it than.
Ad 3) Not sure. I have read that caulerpa grows even under regular bulbs. Nevertheless, I have a 27W fluorescent PC ($40 at Home Depot on a 5 gl refuge.)
Ad 4) Depends on the size and what purpose the LS and LR ar egoing to have. Anywhere between 2' - 4' is good I think.
Ad 5) Any bucket will do (e.g. Broomer5 uses rubbermaids, I use a Kritter Keeper). However, if you like a sump/refuge combination you will need to get a tank and glue some dividers in there. This will be easiest with either acrylic or glass.
Ad 6). Do a search on this BB for ideas.
For refugium:
Ad 7) Mmmm.... look also into overflow options.
Ad 8) Livestock is okay. I have 2 cukes, 1 snail and 1 hermit. However, I am TOTALLY oposed to keeping seahorses UNLESS you know what you are doing. With all respect, at THIS moment, I would not like to see you adding sea horses. See also a thread in the Reef section (title: Sea horse question), how some of us feel about it.
Besides, some keep the refugium lights on for 24/7 (to stimulate growth macroalgae). Since I have some critters in there, I keep it on for 16 hrs (I alternate with my (daylight) display tank lights).
Lastly, please read as much as you can and make a plan/design. There are several threads that will give you examples of different options.