sump overflow


New Member
New to this forum, great info! I have a Rio2500 return pump from my filter. I had a power outage and the water reversed back into my sump(via the return hose) and ran over. My local hardware store couldn't help me. Is there any solution to this?
Thank you!


is there a safety hole drilled into your return line? just a small hole to break the siphon a bit below the water line. If not that will solve your problem in the future.


New Member
No there is not! I didn't know to do this. Just a small hole below the water line? What does that do?


Active Member
Thats one of those things that your supoosed to do but nobody will ever tell you about unless you ask! The hole will allow air to enter the line and break siphon at the water level instead of draining down to the end of your return line before it stops. Also you should only run your sump about half full to leave room for this drainback. BTW you will want to drill 2 small holes incase one gets clogged or a snail climbs over it.



Originally posted by escape2thewater
Thats one of those things that your supoosed to do but nobody will ever tell you about unless you ask! The hole will allow air to enter the line and break siphon at the water level instead of draining down to the end of your return line before it stops. Also you should only run your sump about half full to leave room for this drainback. BTW you will want to drill 2 small holes incase one gets clogged or a snail climbs over it.

I would have never considered drilling two. That is a good idea. Like you said, it is one of those things that you will never know to do until you ask (or someone tells you).


I did the hole drills as well but just in case I also put a check valve on so the water can only flow one way. Great peice of mind for $1.79!