sump placement


I heard this is were the big boys swim

so here is a ? for all the DIY ers

I have a 90gal already placed and running.
I would like to put a 20 gal sump or fug under tank in stand
the problem i am having is that not enough room to angle it in to position
can i remove front center support for a min or two :notsure:
or should i take twenty gal apart and reassemble
any option or experience on this would help


Yea, that can be a problem. For my 90g AGA tank with factory stand, I had to put the MegaFlow sump in place through the top of the stand before setting the tank on it. Just no way, no how it would go in any other way.
Like grubsnaek, I'd be leary of removing the center brace, although the brave of heart may try it (Remember, you're dealing with probably a 1000lbs on that stand). I would probably be less concerned with the stand collapsing, but worried the loss of support may cause the stand and eventually the tank to shift/twist (Potential leak-city), or maybe place additional stress on the other parts of the stand which may lead to other problems.
At the very least, I would add support somehow prior to removing the brace. Of course, that may be problematic . . . placing the support structures where they would actually do some good, but still leave room to install the pump.
An alternative to is put the sump somewhere else . . . as long as it's in reasonably close proximity it shouldn't be a major project.


Active Member
I have mine pretty well fortified (I used 4x4's as support braces), but on one of the braces in the back, I only attached it using brackets....I don't beleive that my stand (and it didn't actually when I removed it) will buckle under my 135...but I also cut another 4x4 so that if I need to remove that one particular brace, I would place the extra one under the tank in another location to provide some support while I am under there working on my sump/fuge/plumbing....but I had built my own stand/wall...wasn't factory made, so I wouldn't be able to help you out much there.