Sump/Plumbing help.....


First off I just wanted to thank everyone for all of your help, what a hobby this is and how frustrating it can be! Here's what I'm after today. I have a 75 gallon RR and I'm going to build a sump/fuge for it. After reading all the threads here I think I have a really good idea of how I'm going to set that up. NOW comes the conundrum.... I currently just have softie corals and plan to eventually get into SPS once I get my feet wet with the more simple corals. My LFS told me to get a Mag 18 and A Sea Swirl or 2, and shoot for around 700-900gph circulation. I've talked to others with similar setups harboring SPS's with the same sort of setup and they said this should be good.... minus the Mag 18. This is where the problem starts. I have a shallow sand bed, and have been told even with the plumbing that the Mag 18 will putting out WAY to much flow even with a ball valve to slow it down some. Do you think it's possible to purposely add more 90 degree bends to slow the flow down? Normally this wouldn't be such a problem, but I've already purchased the Mag 18 and cannot return it. I don't want to hastle with selling the one I have and ordering another one if I don't have to, so I thought I would look to you guys for advice first.... Thanks in advance! :help:


My question for you on this is does this lower the output or just split it up over the tank?.... It would seem this is just dividing the total flow through 2 channels but will still give me the same total output. I really don't know if this would be too much anyway, maybe it would be fine...... I just dont' want to set it up and have problems with no solutions ready...


Active Member
Splitting up the flow will slow down the flow per say, each return would therefore not be at full blast, but split up, and depending on how far apart you put them, one would be stronger than the other. I have over 1500gph split on 2 returns, no one gets blown over by either return.


Is your pump a 1500gph pump, or did you figure that to be the output with all the plumbing and bends in your piping?... Also, what size of tank do you have and what do you use to get the water to your tank (sea swirl, tunze, etc.) Thanks again.


Yea, so I'm assuming that's rated at about 1500gph and your tank is almost twice the size of mine, and I have an 1800gph pump.... I'm seeing this may be a problem


Originally Posted by hoover86
Yea, so I'm assuming that's rated at about 1500gph and your tank is almost twice the size of mine, and I have an 1800gph pump.... I'm seeing this may be a problem
To answer part of your original question about adding more elbow's to slow down the return. I definitely say that would work. Last week I was fighting with my return not being strong enough from my Mag 9. I had 8 elbow's in there. I took some out and threw in some 45 degree turns. Now my return has a LOT more flow.

I also have a 75 gallon tank. I'm using a 20 gallon long for my sump.


Ok, awesome, my LFS said they would trade the 18 for a 9.5 and it sounds like that will work. It sounds like you have a setup very similar to mine, I also have a 20L that I'm getting setup for my sump. If you don't mind me asking do you have any pictures? I think I have a good idea of what to do with my sump but I'm always looking for others setups to see what works. What do you use for the returns? I was thinking about getting sea swirls, I want to get rid of my power heads. If you have tank pics and sump pics that would be sweet. Thanks for the input!


Originally Posted by hoover86
Ok, awesome, my LFS said they would trade the 18 for a 9.5 and it sounds like that will work. It sounds like you have a setup very similar to mine, I also have a 20L that I'm getting setup for my sump. If you don't mind me asking do you have any pictures? I think I have a good idea of what to do with my sump but I'm always looking for others setups to see what works. What do you use for the returns? I was thinking about getting sea swirls, I want to get rid of my power heads. If you have tank pics and sump pics that would be sweet. Thanks for the input!
I have a big thread about this topic that I started last week. Here's the link to it if you want to read through it:
You'll find some pictures in there, but I can take more if you want to see them. Those aren't really the best. Just let me know.
I have 3/4" PVC going from my Mag9 all the way back into the tank. What I used for my return is a piece of PVC about 14 inches long. I put a cap on one end of it and drilled 9 evenly-spaced holes into the pipe from top to bottom. I have it fully submerged and it works great. I actually have 2 of those (one on each side of the tank).
Here is a recent picture of how my sump looks.


Active Member
Looks good man, I just wonder if all the troubles were from the intake and return being so close together. Hmm. Never seen one that tight before, now that I look at it.


Well guys, thanks for all the help, after picking the brain of a very successful reefer in my area, I've finnaly gotten things all figured out. I was worried I bought the Mag18 for nothing, but I will be using it in a closed loop setup and will just have to buy a smaller Mag for my sump! Thanks for the help!