sump problems


I need some advice on how to get an even flow out of the tank to the sump and then back in again. I am constantly battling either the water not coming back into the display tank fast enough and a slurping sound being caused as the water level in the overflow gets too low or the water goes back into the display tank too quickly and causing near floods. assume there is a quick and easy step to getting an even balance but I'm missing something along the way.


could you post some tank info?
Return pump, Overflow, pipe diameter, Location of sump and distance from DT, Your return steup, overflow type?


You should get a smaller pump then the drain from the over flow can drain. The over flow will drain X amount. The pump will flow Y amount. Then fill your sump until you are in the middle. If you pump more water into the tank then it can drain it will overflow plus drain your sump.


+1 on pepitos post.
Try puting a small airhose down the drain in the overflow on the outside of your tank. this will get the air out and get rid of the slurping noise for you. looks rediculous, but it works :)


I'm probably misunderstanding here but I believe my pump is smaller than what is draining into the sump and the reason I get the slurping noise is because the overflow area gets too low then. I tried the small airhose deal yesterday and while that got the slurping noise taken care of it caused the water going into my sump to be bubbling so much to the point that it looked like it was boiling water on the surface.
That caused the water going back into the display tank to have mini bubbles in it. I suppose my problem there is that I don't have any baffles in my sump to cut down on the air bubbles. I'm using one of those plastic tubs that you get at big box store that is wider at the top than it is at the bottom so I have no idea on how to make baffles that would fit into that type of sump setup.


Active Member
I have to agree with's purely speculation on everyones part at this point without specific info on the system setup and design.....It might be entirely true the pump is to big, but it could be the plumbing to to restrictive.....What size bulkheads are in the overflow? Size of the overflow? What type of return pump and plumbing going back to the display tank?
If you go to the other big forum and search BeanAnimal. There is a really informative thread there that will give you alittle more insight on what could possibly be going on, and more than positive something in that thread will fit the bill.