"sump Problems"


i cleaned my sump & filter box and when i plugged sump pump back in it wants to overflow my tank!!! how can i solve this problem any help very much appeciated thanx.....plus i can't seem to get that air bubble out of my horseshoe tube in the filter box this is a pain in the u know what!!!!


Active Member
Not sure why your pump would be overflowing your tank? Sounds like maybe the overflow not working properly.
As far as the air in the u-tube. Take a peice of airline hosing. Stick it into the tube, about center the air bubble. Suck it out. I usually will get to a point where there is a little water in the airline tubing, and then pinch the tube, and pull it out.


Active Member
If you have air accumulating in the U tube - you don't have enough flowrate coming up to the display tank from the sump pump.
As tiny air bubbles are sucked up the U tube, there isn't enough water flow to move them through the tube.
They get sucked up and just hang out in the upper most curve, eventually building to a large air gap. It's this gap that reduces the water flow through the entire system.
If you cleaned everything including the pump, but still have this air pocket in the U tube - then I agree with flamingkingofhe, that the air bubble is reducing your flow.
Get a small pitcher of saltwater or freshwater make up water - and pour this water into the inner box of your overflow.
Keep pouring it in and watch the air pocket in the upper curve.
Sometimes this added volume of water is enough to push the air pocket out the other end of the U tube.
This will not cure the problem though - and is just a temporary fix. Very temporary at that.
The air will continue to build up in there unless pushed through with water.
You can also experiment with "tilting" the U tube somewhat.
Tilt it back so it's tank side opening is not in the stream of little air bubbles that form as the tankwater falls through the teeth.
Sometimes by just re-orienting the U tube - you can get more flow through the tube too.



Originally posted by wayne40
i cleaned my sump & filter box and when i plugged sump pump back in it wants to overflow my tank!!! how can i solve this problem any help very much appeciated thanx.....plus i can't seem to get that air bubble out of my horseshoe tube in the filter box this is a pain in the u know what!!!!

Wayne, I ve heard about where people have tapped the top of their Utube to a powerhead's air intake . This is supposed to create a vaccum in the the u tube which should should get the air out as well as start your overflow working again in case of power outage. I dont have an overflow that works like this but thought I would pass it on . Also do you have a gate or ball valve on your return to main tank line ?


Active Member
I made a DIY overflow for my tank, in the process of getting it to match (stayahead of) the flow rate of my return pump I was up to 3 one inch U tubes, which worked fine.
Then in the never ending process of trying to improve the system, I switched to 1-1/4" U tubes, and started to have the same "air bubble/lose siphon" trouble your talking about.
I then removed one of the tubes to increase flow through the other two ( effectivly increasing flow rate through the tubes, which is inline with what broomer5 is saying) and I no longer have the bubble problem and still have enough flow to keep up with return pump.
Do you have a two tube or three tube system? Maybe playing with number of tubes and/or size of tubes will help.


thanx for all the post!!! i sort of thought it was probably this air bubble that was my problem i have'nt had this hooked up for awhile i just went back to my skilter filters but was thinking about hooking this system back up it worked great before i pulled the "U TUBE" this thing is a pain!!! i have a 55gal. this WET/DRY filter is for a 75gal. tank so i have plenty of water flow and it is a single U tube operation i'm just not sure how i started this system the first time i've tried filling the tube and putting plastic wrap over both ends then after getting U tube set taking it off but that don't exactly work!!! i have'nt tried the airline sucking trick yet i guess you will get a mouth full of saltwater!!! like i said i appreciate all the help hopefully i can get this thing started again!!!!:)