sump question


im building a sump and made one out of wood before spending all the money in arcylic, this way i can dry fit it and make sure all my gadgets fit in it the way i want.
i wonding if its big enough or if i should go bigger for my 125g tank
the hole box its self plan now is 48*15*16 with the refugium 16" wide and return around the same and the rest will go to the skimmer. the refugium will be 13" tall and skimmer will be 10" tall
anyone with ideas let me know and if your tank is around same size and you have sump tell me your expeirience
just really want to know if i should go bigger or keep it as i plan, thanks


New Member
Why teeth on the wall from fuge to return? If you have one constant wall, the water will be more apt to have smooth flow over the wall.
Also consider flipping the teeth of the water return box to the bottom rather than the top. Raise the wall of the box above the fuge return wall. You'll get two benefits:1. water will have to travel diagonally across your fuge rather than only across the top layer. 2. bubbles from the return pipe will mostly be gone as they will not travel down and through the teeth. They'll travel out the top of the return box.