sump question


New Member
I understand how my main tank will not "lose" water from evaporation. That the water will evaporate from the sump but, not sure how the water will flow over the baffles when I lose water from evporation. I know I need to keep it topped off but I will lose some water every now and then. Even though what I just typed doesn't make sense to me I hope someone understands what I'm trying to ask and can help me out. Thanks in advance.


The water level will drop in the return chamber and that is where you add topoff water. Is that what you are asking?


Active Member
Yep, as water drains down to sump, it'll keep filling chamber till it spills over the baffles to next chamber...and so on...
Only place drop in water level will show up in is last chamber or return pump chamber...
Want to make sure it's big enough to accept a days (or two) evap before running pump dry...
And/or that's the place to monitor and add ATO...


Thanks guys! This seems to be a handy piece of info I haven't seen before and I'll be setting up a sump at the end of the month.