SUMP question


Hey everyone I had a quick question that I wanted to ask everyone....I have a 110 gallon tank that im setting up and I was wondering why you need a sump? I though if you had enough live rock and live sand that it could be your natural filter, and have a canister filter just to help out. I though the only thing you REALLY need is a good protein skimmer...I think I am going to get the coralife super that a good one? :help: any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
The advantages are to many to list! But here are some highlights.
Added water volume, Hide all equipment (skimmer, heater), Main tank water level will stay at a constant level b/c of overflow, all dosing happens in the sump, water changes happen in the sump.........
If you add a refugeium then thats a natural way to remove trates via marco aglea, pod product, added LS and LR...........
Don't have a SS but haven't heard anything bad.
Theres more!


Active Member
I have a 110gallon reef tank.
I am planning on an upgrade on my filtration. Currently, I have a pro clear model 175, it does a good job but not exceptional.
Now, I have to UPGRADE AGAIN, I really hate having to upgrade everything I buy.
I am planning on getting a 75 gallon tank and turning it into a sump/fuge for filtration. That should take care of my filtration
I also have to upgrade my skimmer, I have a seaclone 150 right now, I am not happy with it, and i believe corallife super skimmers are a notch or two above the seaclones. I am looking into a ASM3 they are a good quality product and have a pretty good reputation.


I hear rave reviews about Aqua C naybe check that out too...I was planing on looking in to that one as well...I just really dont know if I want to add a sump ot seems really confusing :notsure: just to hook up, not to mention I heard that it overflows when the power goes out
I dont want that....


Active Member
Originally Posted by LJRoman85
I hear rave reviews about Aqua C naybe check that out too...I was planing on looking in to that one as well...I just really dont know if I want to add a sump ot seems really confusing :notsure: just to hook up, not to mention I heard that it overflows when the power goes out
I dont want that....
Its really not that hard. If you calc your volumes of sump then backwash is not an issue (no floods). If you are considering this type of filtration I would say go for it. There are many advantages to having a sump system but it has to be set up right. Its NOT just throwing a tank in the stand and call it good.


Active Member
Originally Posted by turboeel
How does am sump keep your tank at a constant level? I am about to setup one so I would like to know?
The use of an overflow. The overflow keeps the tank at a constant level and all the evaporation is taken out of the sump. Simply put the water will be pumped back to the tank until it reaches the drain (OF) and maintains the water level in the tank at all times. Replacement water (fresh water) for evap. can be put back in the sump to maintain proper salinity levels.
I don't put anything directly in my tank but food. Everything else is done through the sump.


Active Member
I agree with Tim, floods are completely avoidable if you properly plan ahead.
A sump will keep your DT level constant if it is below your DT. In such case the only place you will see water fluctuations are in your sump. This is because of the overflow in your DT. It will only drain as much water from your DT as your return pump will put into your DT. So, this water level is keep constant by the overflow level, and your sump is where you see fluctuations.