Sump Question


I have a 125 display with a 30 sump currently it has one Aquaclear 70 power head as the return i was wondering if i could add a second Aquaclear 70 to get more moving through the system and also to get a second point for more flow


Well-Known Member
Aquaclear 70 pushes about 400 gallons per hour at 0 foot of head... I'm sorry to say man, but you are grossly underdoing it right now! lol.
Here's what I would do... I would add the aquaclear 70 to the display tank for extra water flow. Then, I would put a minimum of a mag 18 on the tank. The aquarium needs at least 10x the amount of flow through it. ... if you are concerned if the mag drive pushes too hard, just add a ball valve.
good luck!


I agree 100% get a bigger pump. Also what's you overflow rated at. If you get a too strong of a pump and want to split so you have a duel return that is doable. Just put a ball valve to regulate. Better to have to strong of a pump and step it down then not have a strong enough pump. IMO of course.