Sump question

salt life

Active Member
Hey everybody

I have a 75g FOWLR that has a Spotted Moray and a Chainlink Moray.
I have been having nitrate issues for the past 4 months and decided to buy a 30g long tank and build a custom sump with a refugium. After purchasing the tank i realized that i would have to drain the tank and move the tank away from the wall to do any work, i was wondering if i would be able to put the sump to the right of the tank instead of under it? Would i have any issues with this or does it not make a difference?
Thanks for any replies or advice


Active Member
As long as the sump is lower than the DT is should work if you plan on using an overflow box. It shouldn't make much of a difference. The only thing that will change is there might not be as high of a flow as if you put it directly below.

salt life

Active Member
Ok thanks for the reply. The sump will be below to the right so that should be good? the tank is pre-drilled so i don't have to worry about an overflow box.Right now i have 2x Koralia's 1's and plan on getting 2x Koralia 4's to add for better flow. I bought a Rio 2500 for my new return pump which was recommended buy the guy who does the set ups. Will i be losing alot of flow or will i be ok?


Active Member
You will loose quite a bit of flow due to the fact you have to push it further. Are you going to use a skimmer in the sump. Also I would add a refugium with some macro to help with your nitrate issue. I would look in to a mag drive 9.5 or something along those line for a return but then I dont know how many gph the pump you mentioned is.


Active Member
rio's arent bad, but, ive heard bad things about em though, so thats something to think of, i really havent heard anything bad about the mag drives

salt life

Active Member
Oh alrighty, Will it be ok to use though cause it was like 90 bucks and they won't give me my money back because ive had it for a week already even though it is not being used yet. They guy who puts together all the set ups said that is what he reccomends so i bought it. Did i do bad or do i not need to worry about it? will i have a problem getting the water back to the tank or no worries?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Salt Life
I can't use the Rio 2500? I already bought it..

You can still use it. You also won't loose that much flow because your pump won't have to push water that high. You should be fine with it.


Active Member
you'll be fine, like freak says, u shouldnt lose much cause it wont have to push the water high, just to the side LOL

salt life

Active Member
Ok thanks guys i appreciate it. It is always nice to have people to talk to and feel better about things. It won't be a problem pushing the water to the left and then up though right?
Mboswell i think i saw a threat about you doin a big lagoon out of concrete in a few years? awesome idea man, i hope that works out for you. I would love to have a big agressive lagoon one day.


Active Member
lol yeah, we're planning it, but its gonna be a lagoonal reef :p aggressive is cool, but there's much more color an movement, to me, in a lagoonal reef LOL

salt life

Active Member
lol that's true, i haven't gotten into the reef stuff yet, still stuck on agressive but maybe one day

will it be ok pushing the water flat to the left then up through the overflow back into the tank?


Active Member
it should be ok, but, i believe u dont push it back through the overflow, you should have 2 bulkheads in the back of the tank, correct? one for drain/overflow, the other for return?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Salt Life
lol that's true, i haven't gotten into the reef stuff yet, still stuck on agressive but maybe one day

will it be ok pushing the water flat to the left then up through the overflow back into the tank?
it sounds perfectly fine. You can plumb it pretty much any way you want to.

salt life

Active Member
yeah one for the water to go down to the sump and the other that is attached to the return that puts it back into the tank.
I feel better now. Yall ain't to bad i guess ill stick around

I need to keep my bioballs that are in my sump now and put them in the new one right? i wanna take them out as the fuge gets more established but that takes a while?

salt life

Active Member
yeah that is what im gonna do for the fuge but i was told if i don't keep the bio balls then i will lose all that bacteria and my tank will crash. and to take the bio balls out slowly as the fuge establishes which they told me would be 6 months