Sump Question


Im thinking about putting in a sump into my soon to be reef tank that has just about finished its cycle. Underneath the aquarium there is a 24'' space followed by a piece of wood to suppport some aquarium weight followed by another 24'' space. Both for storing things.
First question is:
Would a 10g sump be enough for a 55g tank?
Second Question:
If that's not big enough, how big of a sump do I need and how could I possibly set it up? An average 10g aquarium is 21'' across. I cant see putting anything bigger underneath the tank.
My closest is about 2' away from my aquarium. Could it be possible to put my sump in the closest and run the inlet and outlet tubes to the aquarium?
Just some thoughts Im kicking around. Please leave me any feedback.


Active Member
haha wow i had the exact situation with my 55g had a a 1" piece of wood in the middle. so i did put it in the closet. worked fine little more ugly but i wish i had done it different. what u should do is get 2 ten gallon tanks and make a stand about 8-10" and put a ten on it than drill it for an overflow kinda thing and put a hole in ur center brace, and have it flow into ur other ten, so u can have a small sump and a small fuge.
here is a pic of mine

sump on right


Hmmm. Thought of an idea while I was reading your replay.
Say I put a 10g aquarium in the left side of the stand and that could be my sump. Then made some sort of pvc pipe contraption that went through or around the middle brace and went into another 10g aquarium on the other side that could be my refugium. and from there it took it back to the aquarium. Could that potentially work? And is that what you're talking about?
I could then avoid putting anything in my closest.


Active Member
thats what i said. but ur gunnag have to drill the 10g which is a pain if it doesnt break while drilling then it most likely will when u plumb, thats what happen with 2 ten gallons i did. i drilled fine but the glass is to week, but what u could do is drill it and put a piece of acrylic over it and use aquarium sealent so it will be stronger


Sorry. Brand new to sumps and stuff like that. I don't understand what you mean about putting the acrylic over?


Here is my basic sump design. It is going to be two 10-15g tanks seperated by a wooden beam that holds up the aquarium weight. A hole will be drilled in the piece of wood so I can link the two aquariums together.
Please leave me feedback. I don't know much of anything about sumps or refugiums so any and ALL adive is soooo welcome
