Sump questions?


Ok I have a post further down regarding lighting, but I'm kinda in a though spot, should I invest in lighting or a sump first? I currently have a HOB Aqua C remora on the tank, Its a 55 gal. Also, what kind of sump should I get and protein skimmer? I'm a newbie thanks for putting up with me. hahah


If you can, I would build a DIY sump. It'll save you a couple hundred bucks. I have a DIY 30 gallon sump on my 125.
Regarding lighting, what do you intend to keep in the tank/what is in the tank currently?
DIY sumps are the way to go. Save a ton of money and you get to know a little more about the hobby(more hands on). As for lighting, it depends on what your going to keep. If it fish only a flourence strip will be fine. If you want SPS then you'll have to have both the sump and lighting. You don't want to skimp on equipment with SPS. You'll kill alot of coral and waste alot of money.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JPardi
Ok I have a post further down regarding lighting, but I'm kinda in a though spot, should I invest in lighting or a sump first? I currently have a HOB Aqua C remora on the tank, Its a 55 gal. Also, what kind of sump should I get and protein skimmer? I'm a newbie thanks for putting up with me. hahah
The aqua c remora is a protein skimmer. Are you talking about what type of PS for the sump


I think building sumps are fun, you can learn quite a bit about the hobby, plumbing, and fluid dynamics. On the other hand, if you don't feel like learning from mistakes in some cases, then try going to the LFS and if they take trade ins, ask if they have any used sumps. The one here always has them, and they go for pennies on the dollar, even the expensive oceanic ones. You can do a lot more and be more creative with the way you want your sump by creating it yourself, but sometimes, if you are not handy (some people arent), buying used is the way to go.